So when is the best time to have your baby photographed?

The honest answer - ANY TIME! Documenting your sweet baby and family is always a good idea, and there never is a wrong time. But as we all know, babies don't keep - they grow, change and develop so quickly and remind us constantly that time is fleeting. For this reason, I suggest having newborn photos as close to baby's birthdate as you can! If you end up wanting to have portraits of them at 3 months or 6 months, your only regret will be not also having them done sooner. Their tiny little feet, nose crinkles and newborn scrunch will fade as they continue to develop amazing new features and skills, and you will want those moments from the early days documented to look back upon.

But, having a newborn is a big change, and you have a lot of new things to manage, and maybe don't even want to be photographed shortly after birth, right? I hear you, and I totally get it, having 2 kiddos of my own. But that's why I'm here - to guide you through everything, provide you with a wardrobe and poses and prompts that focus on baby, and avoid any uncomfortable positions or angles for you after birth while showing you how powerful and beautiful you are as a new mom. Because, seriously - you just held life inside you and brought a baby into this world - you are walking magic!

So book that newborn session early on in your pregnancy so you are all set to go before your little one arrives. (You should also book yourself a maternity session too! To celebrate the magic that you are! Most photographers, like me, offer a bundle discount for a Maternity & Newborn package). You and baby are constantly growing and changing and are worth celebrating and documenting at every stage.

As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! In the meantime, here are a few of Baby Kai's portraits below, where we chose an in-home session and casual (but still neutral) wardrobe.